Butterflies in Berlin
Status: Completed
Written and Directed by: Monica Manganelli
Music: Massimo Moretti
Dubbing and Sound Design: X-TRIM Solutions
VFX Creative Supervisor: Antonio Padovani
Associate Producer: Alessandro Regaldo (Grey Ladder)
Executive Producers: Harald Pignatelli, Fabio Esposito
Producers: Antonio Padovani, Francesco De Blasi, Salvatore Matranga
Genre: Animation, Drama, LGBT
Nationality: Italy-Germany
Language: English / German / Italian
Year: 2019
Length: 29’ / 4 x 8′
Format: Color–16:9
A Co-Production: Alexandra Cinematografica–LattePlus

Synopsys: Alex moves to Berlin in 1932, during the Weimar Republic period. Looking for hisplace in the world and his sexual identity, he becomes the first out-of-surgerytranssexual in History. That happens unfortunately during the National-Socialismrise, a social disruption that turned the capital of sexual freedom in the mostrepressed country of all times. With her new identity, she’ll be able to save manyJews from holocaust.